Monday, October 02, 2006

Minutes of meeting - Tues, 26 Sept 2006

***Newsflash**** Don't forget our social this Friday 6th Oct at House of Coffees, Park Meadows (next to Mimmos).
PDM Consultants will pay R10 per consultant. Spouses must pay for themselves

1. Marcia Francois
2. Anthony Olckers
3. Teresa Olckers
4. Karen de Beer

1. Etienne Kalp

Open in prayer

Outstanding RFA
Eagles have a few listed, but it could be part of the Group Assessments which were done. Consultants to check list and confirm. Teresa has checked the NTU’s and it does not include any of the RFA list.

What to do to get more assessments?
It was suggested that we try and get an announcement on the overhead before the services. We should work at getting interest increased.
Marcia will email Ps Jackie

Teambuilding :
Coffee at “House of Coffee” to be held on the 6 October 2006 from 18h30 - 20h30

Teamleaders to confirm with teams

Close in prayer

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