Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Minutes of meeting - Saturday, 24 June 2006

Barry - away for weekend
Madelaine - away for weekend
Karen - Wedding
Ettienne - none
Francky -none

Dion - sick
Adefioye - Teresa could not get hold of to advise of the meeting


1. Anthony opened in prayer
2. Anthony prayed for consultants in general
3. Ps Marcia -Outstanding assessments - Consultants to check the list of allocated assessments and ensure that all allocated on the list are physically present with them. If not, speak to your respective team leader.
4. Ps Marcia - A blog has been created to assist with effective communication. However, consultants have not subscribed to receive automatic updates. As a result additional work has been created because extra e-mails/telephone calls have to be made to inform consultants of the new information. Consultants are to check e-mail addresses and and confirm receipt of e-mails when sent out. All present confirmed that e-mail is the preferred medium of communication.
5. Teresa will make little notes for meetings/important event and place in consultants' folders as reminders.
6. Ps Marcia/ Teresa - Ps Marcia informed that her job is quite demanding and she would not use her employer's resources to respond to "please call me" SMSs,etc. Consultants are to refrain from using please call me SMSs as they will not be responded to. However, normal SMS will be answered after 8:00 pm in the evening.
7. Vanessa - suggested that Consultants are paired and take responsibility for one another. This would be for praying, reminders, etc. making sure that each person is accountable to someone in the ministry. Teamleaders to appoint pairs. Marcia & Madelaine, Vanessa & Karen, Barry & Dion
8. Ps Marcia - Teambuilding : It was decided that we do the "Amazing Maze" during winter and for our next teambuilding. Previous event had to be cancelled because of rain. details have been posted on the BLOG. Concerns were raised about "Salsa Dancing" and Ps Marcia will get more details. [here is the link with all details: http://pdmconsultants.blogspot.com/2006/02/were-going-salsa-dancing.html ]
9. Teresa - Consultant of the month : Karen & Vanessa. Both were elected because of their commitment to the ministry. They have been a tremendous blessing during the PDM weekend. Karen, despite her ordeal, assisted cheerfully during all of the services, and was also prepared to come after work to come help set up. Vanessa also willingly assisted with our table and the refreshments stand, and was a great help with setting up the venue for the ministry fair on the Sat morning. Well done to both - you guys rock!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps Marcia - Currently there is a lot of administration which must be taken care of. The previous arrangement of a two weekly rotating system did not succeed. Anthony suggested that specific tasks are delegated to individuals, who must then feedback to Ps Marcia when done. Great idea - you will all be receiving your tasks so keep checking the folders.
11. Teresa :What personal challenges are they facing with assessments?
Vanessa -People who do not keep appointments (Vanessa's task will be to phone-screen requests received from CGS to ensure that requestors are indeed interested in being assessed). Thank you, Vanessa.
Priscilla - Time management (Recommendation : to seek professional assistance in this regard)
Abel - None
Anthony- None
Teresa - None
12. Teresa : Tithes & Offering - Luke 6v38. R70 was received and R7 tithe was paid.

Meeting closed in prayer by Teresa.

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