Friday, July 13, 2007

The end of an era

I did my last assessment in the old PDM office in the old building last night. We've been at this current property for about 26 years and will move to our new building on 28 July!

After I'd completed the assessment, I let the guy complete his feedback form and then I realised - this is the last time I will assess somebody in this office.

So I told him, "you are the last person that will be assessed by me in this

He said, "then I feel very honoured".

Aaaah, how sweet. But then I started getting really sad!

He'll probably be the last person because Karen's going on holiday in a week's time and I think she's busy getting ready for that, and I don't have any other appointments scheduled.

  1. I've been doing this for 6 years.
  2. I've personally assessed around 75 - 100 people and trained about 50 consultants.
  3. I was the first consultant and we've gone up to over 20 over the years but at the moment, there are only 2 of us left. And I'm still there.

Dion talked some sense into me when I got home (because I'd been crying) and told me that it's the God experience that is the main thing, not the building. Which is true.

But...that is where the magic happened so many times, with so many people.

A lot of those people have since become friends and others I have never seen again (that's the problem with big churches).

I have heard lots and lots of testimonies where lives have changed. Some have changed career directions (awesome!) and are so, so happy now.

My prayer has always been that God would let the assessee have an interaction that would change their life in some way (you ex-consultants know this well :) ).

It's not about me but I was available as a vessel each and every evening, and I can only trust that God would use that to do what He's good at - changing lives!

PDM Consultants, if you want to get nostalgic with me, then please feel free to leave a comment :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Marcia

I read your blog thingymabob and tried to leave a comment. I don’t think I was able to so what I said (more or less) was….

It does seem quite a nostalgic moment for you. You were the first one to do an assessment and now you are the last one to do one in this building. (Hopefully…the first in the new building as well!!)

We seem to have come full circle. You started with two consultants (you and dion) and ending with two.

PDM started with only a few ministries and we only have a few left! Sad Sad Sad!!

I have to believe that the new property will be a draw card to bring multitudes into the church who also would like to learn how they are wired and where best they fit!

I have to believe that consultants will be raised up (ex consultants return) and do this very important task for the Lord.

I also have to believe that God will stir the hearts of many many people so that they can do their Passion that God has placed upon their hearts and operate within their God given gifts and talents!!!

We definitely need a divine intervention for PDM!!!

Please stand with me and lets pray for new ideas to raise up consultants, ministry leaders, volunteers etc for PDM!! I know this department can be such a dynamic tool to the body of Christ within Christian Family Church!!

Thank you so much for your commitment, dedication and time that you have given to the consultants in this old building. Great will be your rewards from the Lord!!

Have an awesome God filled week and remember…Jesus is by your side every step of your life!!

God Bless you Marcia

Ps Jackie

Anonymous said...

Hi there Marcia,

I understand your nostalgia. I shed a few tears myself when we had to make a choice to continue with PDM or not. PDM consulting has impacted our lives tremendously (Anthony & Teresa), both personally and for ministry.

We still get people reporting back of how wonderful it is to be in the "right place, for the right reasons", practising their God given talents, and how fulfilled their lives have been since having done the assessment.

We are glad that we could be a part of PDM Consultants. Our prayer is that the need for this ministry would be acknowledged more and that God would raise people who are passionate about PDM.

God Bless!